Sparky was discovered on his way to being thrown away in a rubbish skip. He arrived in a terrible state - balding due to mange and what little hair he had left so badly matted it had to be cut out. He is a gorgeous dog now though and the Grandpa of our pack. He is a member of our treat ball panel of judges due to his love of all things edible. Although he is starting to go grey now - his face and tail still look like they have been dipped in black paint and he has the cutest Groucho Marx eyebrows!

When Dobby first joined the family she looked exactly like her namesake house elf! All ears and neck sticking out of a tiny jersey! The rescue group thought she would be the size of a min pin because she was so small and malnourished. Boy was everyone wrong! Dobby kept growing and growing... she has the tenacity of a Pitbull, the affection of a Lab and the legs of a Great Dane! Dobby loves to play fetch and is head of our fetch and ball test teams. If it rolls, bounces or floats - Dobby has tested it!
Sunny was an official "foster fail". When we saw his pictures and heard his story online he reminded us so much of Sparky that we felt we had to offer to help him. Needless to say - he is now the newest member of the Pet Fairy team. He has boundless energy and seems to love anything round that he can play with. His special favourite though is the Peanut Crunch - he can't get enough of it! So if it makes a noise and bounces - Sunny is on the test panel for sure!


