Just replace and its as good as new!
livepages::jquery();?>The Pet Fairy offers a wide variety of excercise wheels for your pet. Open wheels, closed wheels, metal wheels, plastic wheels, wheels without an axis.... well .... you get the idea. If you are in doubt about what type or size of wheel you should be getting for your pet - ask the Pet Fairy!
Products In This Category:
It's a sturdy excercise wheel made of metal to promote longevity!
Safe and comfortable - but more importantly, almost silent!!
Safe and comfortable - but more importantly, almost silent!!
Nourish Your Pet's Health, Naturally and Deliciously!
Replacement Bearings for Wear-and-Tear.
Cut down on cleaning time with this clever invention!
Trim your pet's nails while they exercise!
It's a sturdy excercise wheel that can trim your pet's nails too!