So just how smart ARE squirrels?

Smarter than you can imagine is the answer!

Scientific studies have proven that Squirrels use tools, have culture, have language, express altruisim and have a problem solving ability that almost beggars belief.  They solve problems faster the longer they are exposed to them and can apply previous solutions to new problems.  They can shift their point of view to increase their chances of solving a puzzle and can remember how to solve a puzzle after a break of over 22 months! they have even shown that they will collaborate with other squirrels to solve a puzzle.

Squirrels are amazing and we are learning more about them every day.

The puzzles in this section have been tested by real garden squirrels and have the squirrel stamp of approval.

Why not add an extra layer of fun to your garden by putting out some puzzles for your squirrels to solve?

Products In This Category:

Showing 1 - 20 of 20 results
Lots more fun than a barrel of rum - it's the Barrel of Fun!
It might look like a UFO but it is actually a puzzle toy like no other - Simply Awesome!
Feel and See the Quality!
Wheel of Fortune? More Like Meal of Fortune! 🌈
No Free Lunch Here! Work for It my Friend!
Loads of fun!
What do you get when you cross an elevator with a dumb waiter? An Elewaiter of course!
This looks simple - but it isn't!
This one is a shell game on steroids!!
From R229.00
This one is perplexing and your pet will love it!
This is a different way to present your pet with food! It presents a bit more of a challenge than balancing on the side of a metal bowl!
It's official! If your pet had money - it would buy THIS toy! The CAROUSEL marks the end of pet boredom forever!
This one looks innocent but is full of tricks to keep your pet's brain busy.
Challenge your pet with this intermediate puzzle and foraging toy. Turn the key to unlock the treasure and enjoy endless fun! Use it again and again!!
Prizes slide up and then down again - it's like having an arcade game in the cage!
This one is simple but loads and loads of fun!
It whirls around and dispenses food as it goes! Great fun for all!
Three Drawers, One Mission - Snack Attack!
This is a turning toy that will keep your pet busy for ages
These slices move leftward, rightward and all the way around!